MERCEDES SERVICING PRICES Tim Revetts Prestige And Performance
- We only use genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and are vat registered so this means that your 3-year Mercedes-Benz warranty is not affected.
- We are authorized to update your Mercedes-Benz digital service history online or if your car has a traditional service book we will stamp it for you.
- All Mercedes-Benz parts carry a two year manufactures warranty.
- Mercedes Models A & B-class, A Service* £198, B Service* £297All other Mercedes After 1997 A Service* £198, B Service* £297
All Mercedes Before 1997 9,000 miles £174, 18,000 miles £270, 36,000 miles £450
All Mercedes 6000 interval 6,000 miles £125, 12,000 miles £260, 36,000 miles £450
Smart Cars A-Service £125, B-Service £175, C-Service £250
All Prices Include Labour, Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts and V.A.T. (2019 Prices)
* It should be noted that the A and B Service prices represent the basic service cost. In addition there is prescribed work to be undertaken at various times based on your vehicle’s age and mileage. The nature of this work is listed at the back of your service book and our Service Department will advise you of any additional cost.
- All servicing carried out at the Simon Light Ltd will be done in accordance to the Mercedes-Benz manufacturers service schedule using genuine Mercedes-Benz parts and lubricants.
- We are only 10 minutes walk from Bury St Edmunds Town center
- All cars serviced on weekdays will receive a complimentary hand car wash and vacuum clean to the foot wells.
- We offer a free collection and delivery service for your convenience within a 10 mile radius of our premises.
- We have a free tea and coffee if you would like to have work carried out on a “while you wait” basis.
- Automatic courtesy cars are available and are free of charge (However we do not provide insurance cover for our courtesy cars so you will need to make your own insurance arrangements for their use)
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